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castigative couch and the k

<< Aug 7, 2005 @ 22:31 >>

So, Saturday night was Last Chance Dinnaken Dance over at Em and Malor's place. Danni's mother was there, and was apparently aware of her daughter and me making out. It was especially great when everybody was like, "Yeah Zach, tell us about the time you broke our roommate's heart and were dating some other girl at the same time blah blah." I'm sure Danni, and even more so Danni's mother, loved hearing those tales of old. Speaking of tales of old, when you drink 15 shots of tequila and pass out in a concrete stairwell in an apartment building, for some reason people won't let it go. Luckily, there was no tequila being drank at the festivities on Saturday. Emily's former roomie Janna was spill-everyone's-drinks-kiss-all-the-boys drunk. Which, naturally, was very entertaining.

I hosted the Music Lover's Club on Radio K at noon today with the monster. (Sorry I didn't tell everybody to listen. Especially my parents and my sister's family, who were all crammed into a car crossing the state of Minnesota, who totally could have tuned into the AM had I thought of it.) I finally got The Rocks and Mower onto the air, which could very well be an American first. Definitely a Mid-West first. I also played Maxïmo Park's "Now I'm All Over the Shop" for the first time on Radio K, which I'm proud of. Oh, and Superdrag's "Sucked Out" got onto the air waves again thanks to me, which I am quite proud of, too. I think we had a very good dynamic, and the show went very well. I was having way too much fun, and it was over far too quickly. I miss being a DJ.

Uhhhh, lets see. Oh of course! The monster got a tattoo today and forced me into being moral support. It was done by a guy named Bleach, and it went very fast. She didn't cry. I did catch a few owww's though... wuss.

Then we got me a couch – just like yours sith – at Ikea. Thank god the monster has a van to shove the couch into. She ran me over with the couch and cart on the way to the van... maybe she was mad cause I was making her lift a couch just a few hours after getting a tattoo. Who knows.

Little T's is just a few blocks from my new place. They have the most enormous sodie pops you'll ever see. The waitress looked kinda like Uma Thurman. Hotter maybe even. I have to eat there every day now.

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Reader Comments...

August 8, 2005 @ 13:04:25

suits.png74 (#074)

I DEMAND a blog entry search feature. Nothing fancy mind you, like '%text%' will do just fine.

August 8, 2005 @ 13:16:54

suits.png74 (#074)

I DEMAND a blog entry search feature. Nothing fancy mind you, like '%text%' will do just fine.

August 8, 2005 @ 14:26:44

suits.png74 (#074)

how the fuck did that happen? back button?

August 8, 2005 @ 15:12:11

pineapple.pngOneRay0fSunlite (#1011)

Wait, Zach? You're the one who was all about Hanson in the late 90's right? Just checking ;-)

August 8, 2005 @ 16:40:15

cmonster.pngChristy (monster)

I told A-bomb that I'd sub for the MLC guys if they can't do a show one weekend. I'll let you know when that happens and maybe you'll join me again. Oh, yeah, and I'm awesome, but I'll explain why later. Although you should already know that.

Call me a wuss again and see what happens, Zach, I dare ya.

I think the waitress was hotter than Uma, personally. Uma's face looks a little funny, but waitress-girl didn't have the asymmetry so her face looks more pleasant. And she had more junk in the trunk, which I approve of. I kept accidentally staring at her boobs... What am I, a 14-year-old boy?

A blog entry search feature would be nice. And 74, you fell prey to a similar folly as me. Beware the POSTDATA warning!

And OR0SL, ALL ABOUT HANSON. Zach showed me his shrine once.

August 8, 2005 @ 17:29:04

coleco.pngxopl (#001)

My relation to Hanson is explained fully here:


P.S. Welcome aboard new reader.

I also find it interesting that two people in a row broke the thing that I should fix by using a hash. Hmmmm. I really should fix that.

She was hot... and better than Uma in at least three dimensions, I agree.

As for search... google does a way better job than I ever could. Just go to google, type in your search, and follow it with site:xopl.com, and you'll get everything you ever wanted and more.

August 8, 2005 @ 18:14:08

marilyn.pngsith33 (#999)

I'd be hawt on MLC too!

August 8, 2005 @ 18:15:19

cmonster.pngChristy (monster)

Well, sith, if our online chemistry is any indication.....

August 8, 2005 @ 18:20:28

cmonster.pngChristy (monster)

Plus, I think I know a few people who might be interested in one or 10 of these shirts:


August 8, 2005 @ 18:48:25

coleco.pngxopl (#001)

Duuuude... the three of us need to take over MLC coup style! I got the clothes for it!

August 8, 2005 @ 18:52:30

coleco.pngxopl (#001)

Those shirts are nice and all, but I bought this shirt today, which totally Trumps anything else. I went for the military green.

August 8, 2005 @ 20:35:30

cmonster.pngChristy (monster)

OMG! That shirt is amazing.

August 8, 2005 @ 20:37:22

cmonster.pngChristy (monster)

Hahahahaha, we should totally do it. Probably hijack all of the K, really. It can be the "we all graduated college and now we have our own specialty show" show 24-7!

August 8, 2005 @ 22:41:53

pineapple.pngOneRay0fSunlite (#1011)

You didn't find it at all odd that I mentioned Hanson? Honestly though, I clicked on your link to your old site, that you've now added notes to, and I find it extremely amusing that you are keeping tabs on Hanson's tour. Even I don't do that, and I was all about that shit back in the day. =) Just kidding.

August 8, 2005 @ 22:43:52

pineapple.pngOneRay0fSunlite (#1011)

You didn't find it at all odd that I mentioned Hanson? Honestly though, I clicked on your link to your old site, that you've now added notes to, and I find it extremely amusing that you are keeping tabs on Hanson's tour. Even I don't do that, and I was all about that shit back in the day. =) Just kidding.

August 8, 2005 @ 22:50:15

coleco.pngxopl (#001)

ok... seriously... over a year of blogging, and then three of you double post back to back to back in a week's time? What the fuck?

August 8, 2005 @ 23:20:13

coleco.pngxopl (#001)

well... whatever... it should be fixed now.

August 8, 2005 @ 23:20:39

pineapple.pngOneRay0fSunlite (#1011)

Okay, well, it seems as though I would have learned from the mistakes of others, but as you can see, I'm too stupid for that. It's official, I'm a moron. Thanks for pointing it out. =)

August 8, 2005 @ 23:22:28

coleco.pngxopl (#001)

meh, my bad for leaving a bug like that around. I just can't believe it took so long for anybody to run across it, and then so many of you did in such a small amount of time.

August 9, 2005 @ 00:08:22

marilyn.pngsith33 (#999)

So Z-dog and Christie-dog, when are we gonna chill?

August 9, 2005 @ 00:09:43

marilyn.pngsith33 (#999)

Woah, I pulled a Christie. My most sincere apologies Christy. I'll make it up to you with some fantastic toe sucking (or whatever's your bag)

August 9, 2005 @ 01:42:45

cmonster.pngChristy (monster)

I gave up long ago on trying to get people to spell my name out. Yeah, I'm not really into toe-sucking, and it's not necessary, anyway. For future reference, though, C-dawg is perfectly acceptable. Then you don't have to worry yourself over how to spell my name in the first place.

I dunno when we'll hang out, maybe next week? Uhh... Sunday? This week is pretty much full already for me.

August 9, 2005 @ 10:25:44

marilyn.pngsith33 (#999)

I'm in Wisconsin for the weekend shooting for a DARPA project. I'll be back monday night - how's next week for everyone?

August 9, 2005 @ 14:18:36

marilyn.pngsith33 (#999)

Christy! I just saw you, but you were all high-and-mighty.

August 9, 2005 @ 16:49:32

cmonster.pngChristy (monster)

Well, I'm oblivious to my surroundings sometime. Next time just hit me or something. I don't mean to be snobby. I was just having a melodramatic phone conversation with a girlfriend.

August 9, 2005 @ 18:30:25

marilyn.pngsith33 (#999)

I was helping with the CD toss, you were at the other end of the hall. Unless you weren't in Rarig today, in which case it was some other hottie...

August 9, 2005 @ 19:03:28

cmonster.pngChristy (monster)

Oh, the CD toss was freaking me out so I ran away. I only saw Steve and Thomas, I didn't see you.

August 9, 2005 @ 19:05:01

cmonster.pngChristy (monster)

Oh, the CD toss was freaking me out so I ran away. I only saw Steve and Thomas, I didn't see you. If I'd seen you, I would have said hi.

August 9, 2005 @ 19:10:05

cmonster.pngChristy (monster)

Goddamnit, I totally fucked that up. Oh, well. Hey Zach, looks like your hash-ness is no match for my human error.

What I wanted to say was "Thanks for calling me a hottie, you know, cause I am." But then I accidentally clicked the Windows Media button. Stupid PCs. And then when I hit the back button, I realized I meant to say more in my earlier message, so.

Welcome to Christy's thought process of the last 4 minutes. Hope you enjoyed your stay.

August 9, 2005 @ 21:44:13

marilyn.pngsith33 (#999)

I was sort of standing behind Thomas, for fear of looking like I was trying to really be hip.

August 9, 2005 @ 23:11:22

coleco.pngxopl (#001)

Well yeah... hashes only work if the message is the same... if you post, change the message and post again, of course it is gonna show up.

August 10, 2005 @ 12:07:06

cmonster.pngChristy (monster)

I realize that. I was just saying that you can program your way around any number of mistakes but people like me are just gonna keep making new ones. I think that's why programmers hate doing customer service so much.

August 10, 2005 @ 13:26:40

marilyn.pngsith33 (#999)

By the way - the very funny note on the candy machine in Rarig - that was me. aww yeah.

August 10, 2005 @ 15:47:11

cmonster.pngChristy (monster)

Wait, the one about the beef jerky? That was my friend Suzy.

August 10, 2005 @ 15:48:03

marilyn.pngsith33 (#999)

No No, the one about fascism.

August 11, 2005 @ 00:26:45

marilyn.pngsith33 (#999)

So Christy, when do you start the corporate whore job?

August 11, 2005 @ 15:17:53

cmonster.pngChristy (monster)

Sept. 19. Why? You want a sugar mamma, too? There's a waiting list, you know.

August 11, 2005 @ 15:47:30

marilyn.pngsith33 (#999)

No, just want to know how long I have left to enjoy the warm glow of knowing you're in the same building.

August 11, 2005 @ 15:55:05

cmonster.pngChristy (monster)

Aww... That's sweet. I'm only gonna be working here for another couple of weeks, and thanks for reminding me, by the way. I'll stick around until fall semester starts.

August 11, 2005 @ 16:16:12

marilyn.pngsith33 (#999)

Sniff. Thanks for playing my song babe.

August 11, 2005 @ 16:35:54

cmonster.pngChristy (monster)

You're welcome. You have a cute phone voice.

August 11, 2005 @ 16:53:18

marilyn.pngsith33 (#999)

I have a cute everything.

August 11, 2005 @ 17:24:14

cmonster.pngChristy (monster)


August 11, 2005 @ 17:38:39

coleco.pngxopl (#001)

Sorry. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

August 12, 2005 @ 12:32:04

cmonster.pngChristy (monster)

Hey sith, I finally saw the fascism note. That was pretty funny.

So, are we all hanging out on Monday or what?

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