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sunday supervenes

<< Apr 10, 2005 @ 10:15 >>

Jesus Christ, where do I even start?

Ok, so you remember how I was going to that front lawn bbq outside the apartment building where we overheard the ooh's and aah's of some girl? Well, I went and had some of their tasty bbq chicken and free (only reason I'd be drinking it) Miller Lite. I re-met Abisha (not Misha) and Katie. Those two are in the band with Erin who arrived shortly after I did. There was also a couple named Laken and Steve, Di (like the Princess), and Ashley.

I was chatting up Abisha and Katie about their Sparkle Motion all girl band, where they were from, what influences they had, what they sounded like, etc. I found out Abisha was from Japan. She is also the band's primary singer-songwriter. "We're hot in the Lesbian scene especially." Katie and Abisha are apparently girlfriend and girlfriend. They kissed intermittently throughout the time I was there.

Erin, Katie, and Abisha played like three or four of their songs for us all out on the grass. Each of them had an acoustic guitar. Abisha sang and played. Katie filled in the melody, and Erin added all the flourishes. They sounded great even if a little unpractised. (They just started playing together a few days ago though.) They are vaguely reminiscent of Tegan & Sara. I got goosebumps, and not on account of it being cold, twice during one of their songs so they must have been doing something right.

A little later this girl Piper arrives with a friend (I think Beth?). She's straight out of the Mötley Crüe Fan Club circa 1988. Terrifying. Anyway, the first words out of her mouth were "is this legal?" referring to the outdoor drinking/cooking on an apartment building's front lawn. She got even more paranoid when she found out I was some stranger off the street. Poor thing, cops must be after her.

Some people went inside to smope, and I remained outside with Steve, Laken, Di, and Ashley. We attempted to play hacky sack, which maybe one of us was good at (not me), and it was getting dark out which made it pretty much impossible. Ashley was quite literally fall down drunk, as she did just that several times in the course of trying to kick.

Di was a psych student, and you could kind of tell. She seemed to like to call people out on their stupid comments, and ask you a lot of questions. She's profiling you. She apparently wants to take her degree to a job in addiction counselling, though. Very respectable work, even if rehab is for quitters. She asked me what I went to school for and what I was doing with my life. When she found out the current sitch she suggested I contact her brother who runs IT for a school district about a job. She asked if I had a pen, which I of course did not have, so she sent Laken after pen and paper both. Di was writing down her brother's email address, and then she scribbled it out. "Why don't I just give you my email address, and then you can email me, and then I can give you my brother's email address." I hope that was a come on. At least I think I hope that? Di was pretty much totally beautiful. Not sure I'm looking for pretty much totally beautiful girls to come on to me at the moment, though. Girls' timing is random at best, and downright punitive at worst.

Nine O'Clock rolled around and we're still playing pitch black hacky sack (huh... that had a nice ring to it). Problem is, I had to pick Ian up so we could get our Saturday night drink on with all the other clowns. If somebody didn't pick him up his bus ride would get him home at like 11. Anyway, when I got home Ryan had been recruited to do the chauffeuring – lucky me.

In short order, all the guys were together down at Pracna for some indoor/outdoor $2 beers. Katie (different, non-lesbian Katie) and Megan came to join us, and they were obliterated. AND, they had a camera full of pseudosoftcore pornography... homemade that night pseudosoftcore pornography. HAT! I've got me a new desktop wallpaper.

The two dollar-deal (I thought I'd mess with the usually pacing of two-dollar deal) ended at Pracna so we stopped back home with the intent of going back out to Legends. On the way out of Pracna, with both the girls still being in a rather flirtatious mood, some events transpired in front of the bar's outdoor crowd that led to at least one patron exclaiming, "Knights of Columbus!" Which, in some sort of cosmic coincidence, links back to the Anchorman reference I had made back in my Amanuensis post. Which reminds me... remember how Katie and Abisha were a lesbian couple? Remember how I was sitting on the lawn of the same apartment building where we heard the moans and groans of ecstasy? Well, guess whose apartment is right at ear level where we were standing that night? That's right – Abisha and Katie's. Turns out it probably wasn't a guy and a girl we had overheard on that jog of ours. More like a girl and a girl.

Anyway, back to leaving Pracna. When we got home both the girls realised they were too far gone, so we left them to rest and walked to Legends. Ryan's rugby pals had some event at the place earlier in the evening, so a few of them lingered about outstandingly drunk. We weren't there but long enough to receive our 2-for-1 pints when the mobiles started ringing. Katie and Megan had apparently wandered out of our house onto the streets, and were lost. After a bit of Marco Polo Katie got picked up by Megan's boyfriend. Megan got a ride home with some girl. When Katie got dropped off at Megan's house apparently Megan was knife-in-hand surrounded by the remnants of a pillow. No idea. Don't even ask.

On the walk home from Legends I bumped into Jamie. She's a girl I once knew (biblical sense)... I haven't seen her in ages. She and friends were coming home from the U Otter Stop Inn. I've always intended on checking that place out, if for nothing else than the name.

Anyway, momentarily crossing paths with her (while Ryan and Mike wrestled in someone's lawn) was just a bit of randomly placed icing on the night's random cake.

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April 10, 2005 @ 11:18:11

coleco.pngxopl (#001)

You try ending a story with the words "the night's random cake."

That is the end of the story though... I just went home and passed out. Maybe I had Taco Bell first? Something like that.

April 10, 2005 @ 12:32:59

marilyn.pngsith33 (#999)

So, apparently you slept with 8 - 10 girls in the span of 15 minutes last night? Very impressive my young apprentice...

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