collecting karma
<< Jan 7, 2005 @ 00:57 >>
This cute girl holding a box of fortune cookies asks me, "So are these the ones with the good fortunes? teehee"
Allow me to translate. This is what she really meant: "I'm very lonely, probably not lonely enough to have any genuine interest in a guy who works at a grocery store, but lonely enough to want you to flirt with me to make me feel better about myself."
Or maybe she was just being nice.
Reader Comments...
January 7, 2005 @ 15:34:37
sith33 (#999)
Girls are never nice. She was probably a transvestite.
January 8, 2005 @ 14:45:51
74 (#074)
I owe sith33 a beer - well stated.
January 8, 2005 @ 18:07:29
xopl (#001)
Too bad that he's a PRUDE and DOESN'T DRINK