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pestiferous programming

<< Mar 31, 2005 @ 02:01 >>

Ok, so it was my second to last day (longest two weeks of my life) and I'd upgraded from the jolly task of updating the static headers at the top of each page (yes, headers now, in addition to – and after – the static footers) to my old time favourite of marking up a transcript. This transcript is particularly bad and long, and the genius who created it put in many blocks of ALL CAPS text.

Would someone please, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, tell me why Word won't apply "Sentence case." to an entire document. If you have any MIXED case At All, Word will not simply apply "Sentence case." as it should. It will only apply it to uniform blocks of ALL UPPER or all lower case text it would seem. So basically I was stuck with the choice of forcing the whole document to UPPER and then applying sentence case – which would then force me to read each and every line to assure Proper Names are capitalised, etc. – OR, I could manually select each block of ALL CAPS and apply "Sentence case." to it.

How is something so assrapingly stupid even possible in a product they dare charge money for?

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Reader Comments...

March 31, 2005 @ 09:07:30

suits.png74 (#074)

Probably because you're like the only fucking person ever who's had to do what you're talking about. Just a guess, I could be wrong.

March 31, 2005 @ 10:53:47

cmonster.pngChristy (monster)

I've had a similar issue. It was while I was using UNIX machines more often than I do now, and I could just do CTRL+C to change the case. But in Microsoft world, that command is "copy."

But, now that you've brought it up, I've discovered that I can make Microsoft do Title caps for me, which has always been the bane of my lazy fingers' existence. Also, hyphenation.

I enjoyed the line, "assrapingly stupid" by the way.

March 31, 2005 @ 12:16:58

coleco.pngxopl (#001)

"No" and "yes," in that order.

March 31, 2005 @ 13:55:49

broccoli.pngnot mallorykaye (guest)

I will admit that my compulsive internet surfing (and the fact that i need to stay updated on your life since i have not seen you in months) leads me to check this site at least once everyday or two, and usually i am thouroughly amused. However...I have no freakin idea what you are talking about half the time, I need more humorous drivel to help me forget how monotonous my life has become!! Please...more amusing antics from Zach Attack's life are greatly needed!

March 31, 2005 @ 13:57:40

broccoli.pngnot mallorykaye (guest)

I will admit that my compulsive internet surfing (and the fact that i need to stay updated on your life since i have not seen you in months) leads me to check this site at least once everyday or two, and usually i am thouroughly amused. However...I have no freakin idea what you are talking about half the time, I need more humorous drivel to help me forget how monotonous my life has become!! Please...more amusing antics from Zach Attack's life are greatly needed!

March 31, 2005 @ 16:31:40

cmonster.pngChristy (monster)

Zach, I need a decoder ring for ALL of your comments, not just the ones that are written in 0s and 1s.

March 31, 2005 @ 17:42:56

coleco.pngxopl (#001)

Wait... so are me engrish bad to? Or just too technical?

And Mal: My life just hasn't been that humourous lately... There was the guy with the sore bottom, that's about it.

Monster.... haven't you decoded those 1's and 0's yet?

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