blogosphere benefits
<< Mar 24, 2005 @ 18:11 >>
Wow. That's cool. All you have to do is point out to bOINGbOING that somebody's choice of words is actually a reference to an Urban Legend, and then the one person on the face of the earth who knows the truth about the Urban Legend will write up a response.
Reader Comments...
March 25, 2005 @ 00:21:55
sith33 (#999)
Zach doesn't know what he's talking about in relation to nine inch nails. Let it be known.
March 25, 2005 @ 00:23:50
xopl (#001)
I know what I'm talking about in regards to that single. I'm praying the album is amazing.
March 25, 2005 @ 13:15:37
xz (#1006)
is this an attempt to get NIN to comment on your blog?
March 25, 2005 @ 13:16:46
xopl (#001)
No no... I'd have to get onto boing boing first with something NIN related.