glorious gamepads
<< Aug 23, 2005 @ 13:21 >>
NES, Genesis, SNES, and Colleco... Christmas ideas for me, everyone.
Reader Comments...
August 23, 2005 @ 16:07:24
Christy (monster)
Aw, Zach, always thinking of other people, you are.
August 23, 2005 @ 18:56:48
sith33 (#999)
So what's everyone up to?
August 24, 2005 @ 14:27:43
not fuggly (guest)
Hey Xop! How are you?
Haven't seen you in AGES! Still inworld and all? Hey sorry I couldn't say "bye bye" when I left three years ago, but, as you can see, I did leave.
Uhm. yeah.. I try to keep updated :-)
August 24, 2005 @ 16:05:10
xopl (#001)
Wow! Fuggs! LTNS man. Glad you found me... not that I made it very hard. How's you?
August 24, 2005 @ 16:06:50
fuggly (#1013)
Hey I'm fine.. Got two little black cats, a new life and a ton of hardware all over my room :-)
Hows you? Still there? I still love Killflick :-)
August 24, 2005 @ 18:40:54
xopl (#001)
I've very good... very busy... new apartment, new job, and so on. No cats, though. Don't ducks eat cats? Or at least don't fuggly's?
August 24, 2005 @ 23:48:34
fuggly (#1013)
Naw.. I'm not a duck anymore (so to say). damn.. I have a life now :-)
Have you met Leone again once? I couldn't wave her bye bye either when I left (it was all a very sudden rush of movement, so to say)
August 25, 2005 @ 08:14:36
xopl (#001)
I'm hardly ever in there. Leone leaves me ESP mail, but I always miss her.
August 25, 2005 @ 13:43:29
fuggly (#1013)
Well.. if you see her.. schlabber her from me :-)